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Home: Blog2
  • Writer's picturetulsi patel

good-bye seoul

Currently sitting in my favorite coffee shop on the night before I leave to go back to the States. I feel like I've spread out my goodbye to Korea over this whole week, so I feel ready. I think I explain most things I wanted to share about Korea in the vlog above.

Would I come back to Korea? Yes. To continue attending a language program? Maybe. I have definitely enjoyed my time here, but I need to ponder my end goal with reaching proficiency in Korean. What happens then? As much as I love it here, Seoul is still not the most ~comfortable~ place for a foreigner to live or work. Is that something I can get over? Is that something that might change over time? Even if it does, I shouldn't count on it. I definitely think Korea is pushing its way to a higher position in terms of global significance and genuinely believe that knowing the language will pay off in the future. So, my future with the country is something that I think only time will be able to tell. Besides all of that, Korean is a beautiful language to learn just for the sake of learning it and I will continue my studies for sure.

I love Seoul. It's crazy how hesitant I was to come here at the beginning of this year. To anyone who is considering Light, just apply. Just do it. And if you are given the opportunity, definitely take it. This summer has been life-changing for me. Not only did I accomplish my academic goals, but I developed in personal ways as well. From gaining confidence to figuring out what I'm interested in doing with my life at Yale, this experience has helped me transform into a version of myself that's truly more ME.

I'd like to thank the Light Fellowship one more time for this incredible opportunity!


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