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  • Writer's picturetulsi patel

one month down

I can't believe I've already been here for over a month. It seriously still hasn't gotten old. I have yet to eat at the same restaurant more than once. When people ask me what my daily routine is, I can't give an answer. Partly because everyday can be pretty spontaneous and partly because it still feels too early to have a routine already. I have a several solid groups of friends to explore Seoul with so that's nice. Usually, I grab lunch in Hongdae or Sinchon with some other Yalies going to Sogang (the soGANG as I like to call it). I also have gotten pretty close with some Japanese classmates. We went to the movies, a museum, and I might even go to Vietnam with one of them!

I feel like Seoul is definitely a city better experienced with others, but that doesn't mean you can't roam around alone. I have a good balance between the two. Usually, after my friends leave to go home, I'll continue exploring by myself. It's totally safe to walk around the city alone, and I just listen to a podcast as I see new things. The part that's hard to do alone is going to cool cafes (animal, game board, etc) and trying activities besides shopping/ looking around (archery, biking, etc).

This past Wednesday was the Light dinner. It was nice to see the Yale/Light faculty and staff as well as all of the other Light fellows. We went to a Michelin star restaurant in a nice, quiet area further north. The first two hours they were bringing us lots of small dishes, but then they announced the main course and all of us were shocked that we hadn't even had our main meal yet. But an already stuffed belly wasn't going to stop me from enjoying some good ol' vegetarian bibimbap. Basically, dinner was great and really made me appreciate Yale, Light, and the Korean faculty.


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