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Home: Blog2
  • Writer's picturetulsi patel

pain no.7

the only thing worse than growing up

in a damaging household

is having to paint over it with

absent-minded memories of superficial joy.

to be unable to acknowledge the trauma

because then you’d look unappreciative.

so i paint over it

like i have painted my whole life

i paint a pale moon, its soft glow covering up

the sadness within mother.

i paint red roses in place of lost love

and purple mountains behind which

i hope to see a sun rise again.

reds are too bold

so i switch them for pink.

blues too sad so white will do.

i dare not touch the black.

life is a pretty picture

cover that dark spot!

i am privileged, i am privileged.

fix that scratch, don’t let it show!

layer upon layer

i have painted over the pain.

but the pain is thickening, cracking.

ready to peel off the wall.


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